
How Do Jedi Choose The Color Of Their Lightsaber

In this article we take a await at the lightsaber color meanings for every color saber in Star Wars.

The lightsaber has get an unmistakable symbol of the Star Wars franchise, representing the eternal battle between the low-cal and dark sides. Originally there were just two lightsaber colors, blueish for the Jedi, and red for the Sith.

Since then, the spectrum of lightsaber colors has expanded to include nigh the unabridged rainbow.

Every Lightsaber Colour in Star Wars

The color of the lightsaber comes from the kyber crystal that powers it. This article will cover a brief clarification of every known lightsaber color in Star Wars canon, and what they might mean for the greater story.


One of the most common lightsaber colors is blue. When Star Wars was kickoff created, bluish was going to be one of only ii lightsaber colors, along with red. The blue lightsaber is most ordinarily used by Jedi.

While blue is common, there can be some variation in the hue, from low-cal blueish to deep blueish. At that place may too be differences in the core colors, from blue to black. Blueish tin symbolize calm, trust, stability, and loyalty, all traits important to the Jedi.

In the Star Wars franchise, two famous wielders of blue lightsabers are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rey.

Lightsaber color meanings Blue Lightsaber

Learn more about the history and meaning of bluish lightsabers

Light-green Lightsaber Colour Significant

The second most common lightsaber amongst Jedi is green. You would most often run into green lightsabers in the hands of more than diplomatic Jedi, such as Yoda and Qui-Got Jinn. Green can represent nature, growth, and rubber, which is fitting for Jedi who only draws their lightsabers as a last resort.

For some color variations, green lightsabers can range from emerald to lime. Ahsoka Tano used a lime light-green off-hand saber when she was a young Padawan.

Luke Skywalker Green lightsaber

Learn more than well-nigh the history and pregnant of light-green lightsabers


Red is the lightsaber color of the all powerful Sith, and force users who have embraced the dark side. Even is a force user previously had a different colour lightsaber, they will be made red when the user accepts the nighttime side.

Jedi often bond with the kyber crystal inside their lightsaber, simply Sith become about this in a dissimilar way. They opt instead to pour their hatred and anger into their kyber crystal, which taints it and turns it blood-red. This process is known as haemorrhage a crystal.

The colour crimson can represent passion, claret, power, danger, and anger. All of these are emotions that stand for the Sith. Some famous wielders of scarlet lightsabers include Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Kylo Ren.

Darth Vader red lightsaber

Acquire more than about the history and meaning of cherry lightsabers


Carrying on with our lightsaber color meanings we move on to one of the less common colors. At that place has only been one known user to accept an indigo lightsaber. Cal Kestis had an indigo lightsaber in the Star Wars video game Jedi Fallen Order. Indigo is a shade that lies somewhere in between blue and royal, which ways that it can sometimes be difficult to tell apart from bluish lightsabers. Indigo can correspond wisdom, spirituality, and intuition.

Indigo Lightsaber Cal Kestis

Acquire more about the pregnant and history of indigo lightsabers


Yellow lightsabers are usually but seen when the user undergoes a change in identity. It is an extremely rare color, that has simply been seen a handful of times in the Star Wars universe.

Most recently, the xanthous lightsaber was seen when Rey took on the name Skywalker at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. In doing so, her lightsaber which was previously blue turned gold.

Jedi Temple guards on the other hand give up their identity for their position, and in doing so their lightsabers all change to yellow. Xanthous can stand for energy, warmth, sunshine, and optimism. Some other famous yellow lightsaber wielders are Asajj Ventress, and the twins Arcann and Thexon.

Jedi Temple Guard yellow lightsaber

Learn more most the history and meaning of yellow lightsabers


White is amidst one of the rarest lightsaber colors. In the official canon of the Star Wars universe, there has been but one known wielder of the white lightsaber and that was Anakin Skywalker'southward padawan, Ahsoka Tano. White no hue, not blue or red.

As such, well-nigh force-sensitive people who have a white lightsaber have forged their ain path, not choosing the Jedi or the Sith. In the example of Ahsoka Tano, she one time was a Jedi but was cast out for a law-breaking she did not commit.

In finding her own path, Ahsoka built her ain lightsaber from salvaged parts, including a Sith corrupted kyber crystal. In building her own lightsaber, she purified the kyber crystal, leaving it white. White tin can correspond purity, beginnings, neutrality, and positivity.

Larn more than nearly the history of White Lightsabers

Ahsoka Tano with white lightsabers

Black (Darksaber)

Blackness lightsabers are so exceptionally rare that there is only i blackness lightsaber known in official canon. The lightsaber in question is the Darksaber and was a legendary weapon of the Mandalorians.

The Darksaber was also unique in that instead of the traditional lightsaber shape, its blade was flat and sword-similar. The Darksaber was seen in the serial The Mandalorian, wielded by Moff Gideon.

Outside of the accepted Catechism, Star Wars Legends saw a black lightsaber being wielded past Galen Marek, also known equally Starkiller, who was the hole-and-corner apprentice of Darth Vader. The color black represents darkness, mystery, ability, aggression, and absenteeism.

Moff Gideon Dark Saber

Acquire more about the meaning and history of black lightsabers.

Cyan Lightsaber

In that location are no characters in the official Star Wars catechism who weld a cyan lightsaber. Cyan is a color in between blueish and green, the 2 most mutual lightsaber colors often employed by the Jedi.

The only place where the color Cyan has been seen in a lightsaber was in the game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. In the game, the graphic symbol Cal Kestis tin obtain a cyan lightsaber.

His lightsaber is can exist double-sided, much like Darth Maul'due south. The color of cyan can represent calm, peace, and water. As information technology is a alloy betwixt blue and greenish, the symbolism behind those two colors may also apply.

Unfortunately, until nosotros see more canon use of a cyan lightsaber, information technology volition be difficult to know what parts of the symbolism use in this case.

Cyan Lightsaber Cal Kestis

Acquire more almost the history and meaning of cyan lightsabers


Magenta is another colour that comes upward in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Once again, Cal Kestis is able to obtain a magenta lightsaber, while still using the aforementioned double-sided lightsaber that he is known for.

Star Wars Legends however does take a couple of other examples of the magenta lightsaber. We see it beingness used by Mara Jade during the Old Democracy era, and also the Scions of Zakuul. Magenta lies somewhere in betwixt majestic and pink and tin stand for charm, harmony, femininity, and compassion.

Megenta Lightsaber

Larn more than well-nigh the history and meaning of magenta lightsabers


For the final lightsaber colour meaning we take Orangish,  which tin only be found in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The color orange can once over again be wielded past Cal Kestis. This color is rare even in the game as information technology was only available to players who pre-ordered the game.

Outside of the Official canon, in that location are several more characters who accept been known to use orangish lightsabers. There is the Jedi Main Yaddle, the Sith Lord Talak Hord, and finally, Mandalorian Knights are all found in Star Wars Legends. Orangish can represent energy, burn down, and sunshine.

Orange Lightsaber

Learn more about the history and meaning of orangish lightsabers


Purple is the color of royalty and ability, so it would make sense that purple lightsabers would about likely exist seen in characters who are non willing to conform to a college power.

The most famous among these is Mace Windu, who was a powerful fellow member of the Jedi quango. During the High Republic era, there were 2 other characters who used a majestic lightsaber.

Starting time, there was Vernestra Rwoh, a young Jedi prodigy, and second, there was Ty Yorrick, a saber for rent. Interestingly, during the Quondam Republic era, there was a Jedi who turned to the dark side and back again. As purple is found between crimson and blue, perhaps it was perfect that their lightsaber stood in the middle of the two factions.

Larn more than well-nigh the history and meaning of purple lightsabers.

Mace Windu Purple Lightsaber

Desire to own your own custom lightsaber? Check out these awesome neopixel lightsabers and choose your favorite color!

What was your favorite lightsaber color? Let the states know in the comments.


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