
What Cilors Wull Icget Breeding A Black & Tan Pom To A Tri Color Parti Pom

*If possible information technology is recomended this article exist viewed from a computer instead of a phone*

This commodity is a consummate guide to rabbit colour genetics featuring every known gene in rabbits using easy to follow instructions and pictures. Equally a responsible breeder, knowing your genetics can exist a very expert tool to take. I get so many questions in the rabbit world similar "can I breed this colour to this one" or "what will I get with this pairing". Though quality, wellness, and personality are more important then colour, you should still have knowledge of the colours yous are working with. This way you will know how to pair colours together. By not having the knowledge required, yous tin actually mess up colours. Pairing rabbits that shouldn't be paired together making unshowable colours, or ruining the colour all together. I come across this all the time in the rabbit world. It is a shame when y'all have a quality rabbit that cannot be used just based off colour. This commodity will explicate everything in a simple manner for everyone to sympathize. I suggest yous read the entire article equally if you don't it may seem confusing. If you have any questions feel free to contact u.s.a..

There are some key things y'all demand to know about how genes work before we really get into the colour side of it. All genes are seperated into "groups" called chromosome locations. These dissever the different genes which all have unlike affects on coat colour. The two base colours in a rabbit's coat are black and yellow, thats information technology! That is where all these genes come into play, they tin can make colours, turn colours off, plus all the modifying genes similar rufus factors. They change how the pigments on the hairshaft express themselves. The 5 bones cistron sets chosen locus in all rabbit colours are A, B, C, D, E.There are more than as well, but we volition go to those later in this article. Alleles are the variations of a specific gene, in each gene ready the rabbit has two alleles, one of which is always passed on (they get ane from each parent).

The kickoff matter yous need to know is all rabbits get ii copies of each type of cistron (allele). This goes back to the colour locus A, B, C, D, and E. In each of those groups, a rabbit gets 2 genes. It could exist 2 of the same gene, or 2 different genes. They get i gene passed on from each parent.

Which brings us to this, each gene in a locus is either ascendant, recessive, or can accept incomplete dominance. And every gene in a locus is sorted out into an order of say-so.This is a central thing you need to understand which a lot of people don't. I will use the the A locus of genes as an example, withal nosotros will get more than into all the gene locus subsequently on. The genes in A are A , at, and a. When talking about genes we capitalize genes that are dominant, and genes that are lowercase are recessive. Genes are actually actually straight forrard when you understand them, you cannot modify the manner they work, at that place is no guess work involved its similar math.

Ascendant genes: When talking virtually genes, all genes in their locus take a level of dominance. Genes that are completely ascendant are at the top of the "pecking guild". When a gene is dominant it will e'er express (show) in the coat. Either the rabbit has this cistron, or information technology does not. It cannot be subconscious behind the scenes or carried. In the instance of the A locus, A (agouti) is the most dominant gene.

Recessive genes:When a gene is completely recessive, it is at the very bottom of the "pecking gild". Information technology is the to the lowest degree dominant factor in that locus. When a gene is totally recessive, yous must take 2 copies of that factor for it to limited in the coat, so each parent must pass on that gene. If you but have one copy of the gene, it does not limited in the coat and it simply hides behind the more dominant one. When this happens we say the rabbit carries that gene. It can hibernate for many generations without you knowing, but always has the possibility of being passed on instead of the more dominant one (passed on at random). If a rabbit has 2 of the aforementioned gene, it is guaranteed to pass onto the off spring. In the A locus a (self) is the completely recessive factor it must have ii copies to testify visually.

Incomplete say-so:  Near ascendant genes fully express themselves when paired with itself or a factor lower in dominance. Still in some cases a recessive gene will have an bear upon on the more than dominant gene it is beingness carried past. This is called incomplete dominance. So in nearly cases the colour remains the same and information technology does non matter if a gene is paired with itself or with another gene beingness carried by information technology. But sometimes th e recessive gene tin can alter the expression of the more dominant gene.

Club Of Dominance: In all colour locus, there is an order of dominance with the genes within that locus. For example in every locus you lot accept the about dominant gene which cannot be carried, and the most recessive cistron which must take ii copies to express. In betwixt those (if there are more so 2 alleles in that locus) y'all have other genes in an gild of how dominant they are. For case in the A locus A is most dominant, at is the 2nd virtually dominant, and a is the to the lowest degree ascendant.


A genotype is a rabbit's "genetic code". When talking virtually colours we employ genotypes to place what genes the rabbit does and does not have.  Each colour has its own base genotype, then nosotros must try to fill in the blanks by trying to figure out which genes the rabbit carries that we cannot see visually. Our color locus are used in this. For example using all the bones color genes the genotype of a chestnut rabbit like shown in the flick would be A_ B_ C_ D_ E_. We apply a _ for the hidden genes we do not know near. Nosotros then must endeavour to figure out how to fill in the blanks to discover a rabbit's total genotype. For case with the rabbit in the motion-picture show, her mother was dd and ee. And then I know that this rabbit carries d and e, her sire was cchdcchd and then I know she carries cchd. I have at present come closer to figuring out her full genotype every bit it is now A_ B_ Ccchd Dd Ee. The rest however is unknown, so the only way to fill in those blanks is through test convenance to figure out what subconscious genes are still left.

This rabbit is a Chestnut which is A(agouti) equally used in the above example. Her known genotype is A_ B_ Ccchd Dd Ee


Hopefully all the in a higher place information makes sense. If it does not go back and read again, because the post-obit won't brand whatever sense if you do not understand the to a higher place information. If you do sympathize everything you lot have read so far, you are prepare to take on the side by side section! The post-obit volition be a list of each gene in the locus A, B, C, D, and E and what these genes do. We will first with the easiest ones first and piece of work our way up to the hardest ones.

D Locus
Genes in society of dominance: D (dense), d (dilute)

D (dense):

The D factor simply allows the coat to have its total (or dense) expression of colour. Dumbo is the dominant cistron in this locus. Information technology cannot be hidden/carried. Y'all cannot get a dense rabbit from 2 dd parents. Some examples of dense rabbits would be Black, Chocolate, Chestnut, Orange, and Chinchilla.

This is a Blackness rabbit. Basic genotype is aa B_ C_ D_ E_
This is a Blue rabbit. Basic genotype is aa B_ C_ dd E_

d (dilute):

The d gene is one of my favorites to piece of work with in rabbits. Dilute is a mutation of dense, it dilutes the coat color to a more than "washed out" advent like calculation white paint. This is the recessive gene of this locus. You lot must have 2 copies of d or it volition not express in the coat. D can carry d so it can hide without you knowing it. A rabbit who is dd is guaranteed to pass d off to their offspring. I matter to be careful of when breeding dilutes is if you breed only dilutes together for generations, it can wash out the coat and nail colour in a negative way. And so people normally like to breed dense and dilute together for making dilutes. Dilute examples of the higher up colours mentioned are Blue, Lilac, Opal, Cream, and Squirrel.

All gene combinations: DD (dense), Dd (dense carrying dilute), dd (dilute).

B Locus

Genes in order of authorization: B (black), b (chocolate)

B (black):

The genes in the B locus have to practise with how strong the blackness pigment is in the coat. B which is for black keeps the glaze black based. This gene is ascendant and cannot be subconscious/carried. Either a rabbit is blackness or it isn't there is no hiding it. Some examples of a black based colour would be Black, Black Tort, Blue, Anecdote, Seal, or Sable Point.

This is a Black rabbit. Basic genotype is aa B_ C_ D_ E_
This is a Chocolate rabbit. Bones genotype is aa bb C_ D_ E_

b (chocolate):

b (chocolate) reduces the black pigment in the coat making information technology look brown, a chocolate rabbit is a rich night brown like the rabbit shown. b is recessive behind B. You must take 2 b genes for it to express in the coat. If there is just one copy it is hidden/carried by the B rabbit. Some examples of a chocolate based rabbit would be Chocolate, Chocolate Agouti, Lynx, Lilac, or Chocolate Tort.

All cistron combinations: BB (blackness), Bb (black carrying chocolate), bb (chocolate).

A locus

Genes in order of dominance: A (agouti), at (tan), a (cocky)

A (agouti):

A (agouti) is essentially the wild rabbit pattern. You will see all cottontails in the wild are agouti. Agouti changes the pattern of the the hairshaft on the rabbit'south base colour. Which creates ticking all the manner upward the hairs. When you blow into a classic agouti coat, information technology volition announced to have rings of different colours. They also have a cream-white color on the chin, abdomen, insides of legs, under the tail, around the nose  and eyes, inside the ears, and they also have dark ear lacing on the edges of the ears. Which is partly shown in the picture attached. A is the ascendant gene in this locus and then it cannot exist hidden. The other genes in this locus can be hidden backside agouti. Some examples of agouti rabbits are Anecdote, Opal, Chocolate Agouti, Orange, Chinchilla, or Frosty.

Note: some genes tin "override" the agouti gene which tin have the ticking/rings out of the fur. This volition be discussed subsequently on when we become to those genes.

This rabbit is an Opal. Basic genotype is A_ B_ C_ dd E_
This rabbit is a Blackness Otter. Basic genotype is at_ B_ C_ D_ E_

at (tan):

The tan gene produces the tan pattern on the base of operations color of a rabbit. It looks like to the markings on an agouti rabbit, except without the ticking/rings throughout the fur. The most common colours found with the at gene are various types of otters similar the rabbit pictured, as well as the tan colour in the Tan breed of rabbit. at is dominant over a, but it is recessive behind A. So it can be carried by an agouti, but it cannot exist carried by a self rabbit. Some examples of tan/otter rabbits would be Black Otter, Chocolate Otter, Tan, Fox, Black Silver Marten, or Bluish Sable Marten.

a (self):

Self is a pretty elementary gene, information technology simply causes a completely solid coloured rabbit from head to tail. The only exception to this is if a factor in some other locus has an affect and causes otherwise over the solid coloured rabbit. A nice example of a self coloured rabbit is the Lilac in the picture. Self is the most recessive cistron in this locus. So you must have 2 copies for it to be expressed in the coat. It can be carried by both A and at. Some examples of a self rabbit would exist Black, Bluish, Chocolate, Lilac, Black Tort, Sable Bespeak, or Seal.

This rabbit is a Lilac. Basic genotype is aa bb C_ dd E_

All gene combinations: AA (agouti), Aat (agouti carrying tan), Aa (agouti conveying self), atat (tan), ata (tan carrying self), aa (self).

C Locus

Genes in order of dominance: C (full color), cchd (chinchilla dark), cchl (sable/chinchilla light), ch (himalayan), c (albino)

This rabbit is a Cream. Basic genotype is A_ B_ C_ dd ee

C (full color):

C is a elementary cistron, virtually rabbits have it. C pretty much does aught, it has no restrictions on the coat in any detail place. Information technology leaves the coat to take even distribution of colour over the whole rabbit. Which allows the other genes to express themselves without existence "tampered" with. C is the most dominant in this locus, so it cannot be carried. It can however hide all the other genes backside it in this locus. Some examples of a rabbit that is full colour would exist Black, Black Tort, Chestnut, Bluish, Foam, Orange, Black Otter, or Chocolate.

cchd (chinchilla dark):

Where as total colour rabbits generally have fur with mostly yellowish paint, cchd takes nearly of the yellow pigment away. This results in a pearl/white color where the yellow pigment previously would take been. The Chinchilla rabbit pictured which is a classic example of this cistron, would previously take been a chestnut if it were total colour. cchd is recessive to C, but ascendant over cchl, ch, and c. So information technology can be carried past C but not by any of the other genes in this locus. Some examples of colours with the cchd gene would be Chinchilla, Squirrel, Frosty, Sallander, Black Silvery Marten, or Magpie.

This rabbit is a Chinchilla. Basic genotype is A_ B_ cchd_ D_ E_
This rabbit is a Sable Point. Basic genotype is aa B_ cchl_ D_ ee

cchl (sable/low-cal chinchilla):

The cchl gene is commonly called the shaded gene, however other genes tin create a shaded look in a unlike way so the more than correct term is sable. This cistron erases all of the yellow paint from the fur, and in places some of the black paint as well. This often creates a shaded looking rabbit similar a Sable Point. This gene is affected by the subconscious genes being carried after it so it has incomplete dominance. Rabbits that are homozygous cchl (homozygous is carrying 2 of the same genes on the same locus) tend to be darker or more than smutty in appearance. Rabbits that only take 1 cchl and a different gene being carried tend to be lighter or cleaner in colour. cchl is recessive to C and cchd but dominant over ch and c. Some examples of a cchl coloured rabbit would exist Sable Point, Seal, Siamese Sable, Smoke Pearl, or Sable Chinchilla.

ch (pointed white/Himalayan):

The ch factor reduces all the paint on the rabbit except for points. This leaves a totally white rabbit with cerise eyes, except for the colour stays on the tail, legs, ears, and nose. Information technology is temperature sensitive, and will often make the coloured points a little washed out looking. Most of the fourth dimension you lot simply see them in black, blue, chocolate, and lilac or the ee version of those considering of how the gene works. For example information technology would be incommunicable to go a chinchilla pointed white since cchd is on the same locus as ch. ch is recessive to C, cchd, and cchl but is dominant over c. So information technology can exist carried by all the genes except c. You lot must accept chch or chc for it to express. Some examples of the ch gene would exist Black Pointed White, Chocolate Pointed White, Blueish Pointed White, or Lilac Pointed White.

This rabbit is a Black Pointed White. Bones genotype is aa B_ ch_ D_ E_
This rabbit is a Ruby Eyed White. Basic genotype is __ __ cc __ __

c (albino):

c eliminates all the pigment from the rabbit, which causes a white rabbit with red optics no affair what the genotype is every bit long every bit it is cc. Go along in heed the rabbit yet has a full genotype hidden behind all the white, you only need to figure out what it is from exam breeding and looking at the pedigree. c is the nigh recessive gene of this locus. Y'all must have two copies for it to limited in the coat. It cannot conduct whatsoever other genes simply tin exist carried by all the other genes in this locus. An example of an albino rabbit would be Red Eyed White.

All gene combinations:  CC (full colour), Ccchd (full colour conveying chinchilla), Ccchl (full colour conveying sable), Cch (full colour carrying himalayan), Cc (full colour conveying albino), cchdcchd (chinchilla) cchdcchl (chinchilla carrying sable), cchdch (chinchilla conveying himalayan), cchdc (chinchilla carrying albino), cchlcchl (sable), cchlch (sable carrying himalayan), cchlc (sable conveying albino), chch (himalayan), chc (himalayan carrying albino), cc (albino).

E Locus

Genes in order of dominance: Ed (ascendant black), Es (steel), E (extension), ej (japanese), eastward (not extension)

Ed (dominant black):

The Ed gene is one of the rarest genes in rabbits. What it does is push the nighttime pigment in the coat all the way up the hair shaft, past the agouti blueprint. So information technology changes whatsoever agouti coloured rabbit into looking like its cocky counterpart. For example a anecdote would be inverse to a blackness, opal to a blue. This does not mean that the rabbit is not agouti, it however is. It is simply hidden by this more powerful gene. People with a rabbit who is Ed are likely to assume information technology is a self rabbit. The only way to prove that information technology isn't would be to test breed to some other cocky, if you become agoutis from two self actualization rabbits (which isn't genetically possible if they were real self rabbits) and so that could prove you have a rabbit that is Ed. However this is a very rare factor, mostly found in Havanas and English Spots. So in the majority of cases information technology is safe to assume that your self looking rabbit is in fact what information technology appears to be. Ed rabbits volition oftentimes have a more deep color and less risk of devious whites then in a existent self rabbit. This is the near ascendant gene in this locus and cannot exist carried.

This rabbit is a proven Dominant Black. Basic genotype is: A_ B_ C_ D_ Ed_

Es (steel):

Steel is one of the more complicated genes. It causes the undercolour in the coat to go all the style up the hairshaft. This takes abroad the rings and darkens or eliminates the white agouti markings in an agouti rabbit. It can as well have an affect on the at factor. However when paired with the at gene information technology can cause the ticking to be irregular, or non very visible. Information technology will also only show upwards in the self appearing areas of the tan/otter rabbit. When steel is paired with itself EsEs yous become what is generally called a super steel. When steel is paired with itself, it cancels each other out (the touch is too extreme to exist seen). Which results in a cocky looking rabbit. In that location may be some hairs in the coat to betoken it might be a super steel or there may non be. As well when you pair EsEs with aa and non A, it results in a cocky steel. So again it will often just wait like a self rabbit. At that place may or may not be signs in the coat that it is actually steel. This can crusade problems for breeders as the merely way y'all can really know is by examination breeding. It can cause the same confusion as in a Ascendant Black rabbit like discussed in a higher place. When Es is paired with E so EsE that makes a proper genetic steel. When breeding steels that is what you want. The genes ej and due east being carried past Es can mess upward the steel colour. It can brand the ticking vanish, be in moderation, or show up in patchy areas. It is dominant over all the other genes in this locus then cannot be carried except theoretically it could hide backside Ed but since its so rare and lilliputian is known nigh it that is not besides likely. The but other exception is in the cases above when the coat is hiding information technology. In rabbits with C you get a gold tipped steel on pinnacle of whatever base of operations colour you have, in rabbits with the xanthous pigment restricted like cchd y'all go a silverish tipped steel. Some examples of the steel gene would exist: Black Gold Tipped Steel, Chocolate Silver Tipped Steel, Blueish Gold Tipped Steel, or Blue Seal Steel.

**Notation, ticking in a steel tin can exist hard to see in dilute rabbits**

E (extension):

E which is extension/full extension is a much more simple cistron and so the one only discussed! Information technology allows the pigment to express in the hairshaft usually. And then it does not really mess with the colour at all it merely leaves the coat "normal" similar you would find in a self rabbit, or agouti. It is recessive to Ed and Es just dominant over ej and eastward. Many rabbits have this gene and is found in most of the more common colours. Some instance of an E rabbit would exist Anecdote, Lynx, Black, Blue, Chinchilla, or Seal.

This rabbit is a Bluish. Basic genotype is: aa B_ C_ dd E_

ej (japanese):

ej is another complicated gene that may take some time to understand. It is recessive to Ed, Es, and E. And dominant over e, however with the way information technology behaves it seems it cannot decide what it wants to be! Japanese separates the black and yellow pigments in the glaze on different hairshafts. This creates the "brindle" appearance on a harlequin rabbit. Tri colour is the same as a harlie just with the broken factor (which will exist discussed later on). In rabbits with the xanthous pigment restricted or removed, like in chinchilla for example. That creates a magpie like the last moving-picture show shown. The thing with ej is it does take an bear upon when only being carried by a gene more dominant then itself, which is very unconventional unlike the other genes in rabbits. ej can have an bear upon on A, at, and a depending on if you have ejej , eje, or even Eej. If you have either Eej or ejej on both A or at y'all get harlies. If you combine ejej and aa y'all besides get a harlie. If y'all pair eje with A, at, or aa you lot can become a harli with either agouti markings, or a torted harlie which is a harlie but appears to be tort as well (will besides discuses tort later in this commodity). Ideally when working with this cistron breeders want their harlies to be A_ ejej equally this produces the all-time colour and does not mess with the genetics too much. ej has incomplete dominance merely it does not play by the rules, then it tin exist confusing with breeders. Equally a side note the B, C, and D locus take an affect on what kind of harlie or magpie you take. Some examples of the ej gene would be: black/orangish Harlequin, blue/cream Harlequin, chocolate/chocolate agouti Harlequin, lilac/lynx Harlequin, black Magpie, Blueish Magpie, or chocolate Magpie.

eastward (non-extension):

Non-extension restricts the extension of the blackness paint in the coat leaving the yellowish pigment, though the rabbit may announced more dark-brown/tan, creamy looking. Considering of the modifiers and smutt at work, ee rabbits can come in a wide range of shades even in the same color. They tin can as well have a shaded look. People ofttimes mistake this gene for beingness in the same family as sable considering it tin can cause a similar shaded bear on. As a side annotation when you put e on A it takes abroad the agouti rings but leaves the agouti markings. Similar shown in the cream in the picture. The nigh common colour group associated with this factor is tortoise beat, even so most people just call it tort. due east is recessive, so information technology cannot exist expressed in the coat unless it is ee. All the other genes in this locus can carry it. Some examples of this gene would be: Black Tort, Bluish Tort, Foam, Orange, Frosty, or Fox.

All Gene Combinations: EdEd(dominant black), EdEs (dominant black carrying steel), EdE (dominant black carrying extension), Edej (ascendant black conveying japanese), Ede (dominant black carrying not-extension). EsEs (super steel), EsE (steel), Esej (steel carrying japanese), Ese (steel carrying non-extension), EE (full extension), Eej (extension carrying japanese), Ee (extension conveying non-extension). ejej (japanese), eje (japanese conveying not-extension), ee (not-extension).

Next Department

Y'all did it! You accept at present looked at all the basic genes fabricated up in every rabbit's genotype. But wait.. at that place is more! The following is a list of the "extra" locus at that place are that people don't unremarkably list in a rabbit'due south genotype unless y'all are working with one of these. Most are design genes but at that place are extra color genes besides. Every bit a note if your dealing with a pattern cistron that blueprint tin become on peak of any colour of rabbit, since its but some other locus aforementioned as all the others that is having its affect on the glaze.

This is commonly called the broken gene. It is not a colour gene, but rather a pattern gene. En causes the rabbit to accept patches of white throughout the coat. en gives you lot a normal solid coloured rabbit. Any colour can take the spotting gene. En is ascendant, so you cannot hibernate it behind a solid rabbit. Now if yous accept EnEn instead of En then you get a charlie. A charlie has two of the broken gene, and will often have colour but on the nose and ears, possibly a flake on the body. A charlie is therefore guaranteed to produce all brokens bred to a solid. Information technology should be noted, that charlie rabbits can get a problem called mega colon, which may or may not have an impact on the rabbit's health. In astringent cases it can cause expiry merely many however live out full lives. Some breeds similar the English language Spot or Hotot are bred to have specific markings with the cleaved gene. Like any other locus, each parent must pass on i cistron from each locus. Then for instance if you breed 2 solids you lot can only become solid, if yous breed 2 charlies you can only get charlies, if you lot breed 2 brokens y'all can get solid, broken, and charlie. And if you breed a solid to a broken you get solid or broken, solid to charlie gives y'all all brokens.

All Gene Combinations:EnEn (charlie), Enen (broken), enen (solid)

This rabbit is a Bluish Eyed White. Known Genotype is: __ __ __ __ __ vv.

The Vienna gene is oft also called the Blue Eyed White factor. Vienna in your genotype is either listed every bit 5 (no vienna), or 5 (vienna). If a rabbit has no vienna cistron, they simply remain the same co-ordinate to their genotype. If a rabbit has 1 vienna cistron however, and then you get either a vienna marked or vienna carrier. A vienna carrier is simply a rabbit that carries the gene without showing up in the coat. However this gene is unique.. as the cistron can partially bear witness up even if the rabbit is merely a carrier! Veinna marked rabbits can testify in a large assortment of means. Bright blue eyes, marbled eyes, random white markings, or all of those! The vienna markings often have a dutch like appreance  withal is not related to that gene. Now when you become a rabbit with two vienna genes, then they get the full affect of the gene which is a white rabbit with brilliant blue optics. If a rabbit is vv, it does not matter what the rest of the genotype is, it will cover up everything like to albino except with blue optics not ruby.

*Notation: If yous heighten BEW rabbits and in that location is a whatsoever chance that a solid coloured rabbit could be a carrier, please notation this in their pedigree. VM is non showable in any breed and BEW is showable in very few breeds. This gene could destroy all of someones hard work if it popped upward unexpectedly. *

All Gene Combinations:VV (no vienna), Vv (vienna marked or carrier), vv (blue eyed white)

This is a Dutch rabbit who is dudu.

The dutch factor is almost commonly establish in the Dutch breed of rabbit. They are the best display of this gene. DuDu stands for a rabbit who does not have the Dutch cistron. Dudu is a rabbit with 1 re-create of the dutch gene, and similar the Vienna factor it does show upwards when only being carried. A rabbit with one copy shows only partial dutch markings. When y'all have a rabbit with 2 copies of dutch which is dudu, then you get the full effect of the dutch design. The full dutch blueprint basically causes the front half of the rabbit to exist white, with a blaze on their head and ii "socks" on the back feet. It is worth it to notation, that vienna tin crusade dutch similar markings on a rabbit, similar to that of a rabbit who is Dudu. Notwithstanding these 2 genes are NOT related and take naught to do with each other.

All Gene Combinations:DuDu (no dutch), Dudu (dutch carrier), dudu (dutch)

The silvering factor is fairly uncommon, nonetheless there are a select few breeds with this gene. This may get a bit complicated as this cistron does not have a lot of scientific inquiry backside it at this time.. so bare with me. The silver gene causes white or white tipped hairs to be evenly mixed throughout the coat along with the normal colour of the rabbit. sistands for a rabbit with no silvery cistron. Si stands for a rabbit with the silver gene. Yet there are several variations of the Sigene. Si1, Si2, and Si3. Retrieve of it as the higher the number, the more silvering you get. Lodge of dominance to my knowledge is Si3, Si2, Si1, si. The silvery gene is controversial in how it works. About people previously thought that information technology was a recessive gene and withal believe that. However recent prove through experimental breeding strongly suggests that silvery is a dominant factor, likely with incomplete dominance. Offspring from a homozygous silver crossed with a non silverish in all cases seem to have minimal silvering like or less and so that of a Si1Si1 rabbit. Which suggests that the recessive gene afterwards the dominant Silver is having an affect hence it likely has incomplete dominance. Si1Si1, Si2Si1or Si1Si1tends to take a lite/medium silvering affect in the coat like in the Silver and Silverish Play a joke on breeds (pics on the left). Si3Si3has a heavy silvering touch like in the colour Champagne and the breed Champagne D' Argent (mostly shown on correct). Breeders will unremarkably just put downwardly SiSifor a Silver coloured rabbit since the variations of the gene demand more research to find out how they work.

All Gene Combinations:SiSi (argent) Sisi (partial silvery) sisi (no silverish)

The wideband gene should not be mistaken with the wideband group. In some breeds with colours separated into groups rabbits who are A_ ee are put into a wideband grouping since ee messes with the agouti appearance. However the group is not the aforementioned thing every bit the bodily gene. The wideband gene doubles the width of the middle yellow/white agouti ring. This causes the agouti "markings" to exist coloured instead of cream/white. And forth with the rufous modifiers involved it causes the colouring to be more than of a deep red colour. The all-time example of this is the colour Red every bit shown in the left side pics. A lot of people don't know this, but wideband is how you get Tans every bit well. A Tan is merely an otter with the wideband cistron, considering of the affect it has it changes the otter markings to red. W stands for a rabbit who isn't wideband, and w stands for a rabbit who is wideband. It is recessive so can only be shown if in that location are 2 copies.

All Gene Combinations:WW (no wideband), Ww (wideband carrier), ww (wideband).

Lutino is another proper noun for the pink eyed dilution gene. This gene is more often than not found in mice and cavies, however it is also found in rabbits. It is mostly found in Europe and is quite rare here in N America. The Lutino gene has a similar affect every bit the non-extension gene. It removes specific pigments in the coat which in the example of Lutino, chances all colours to orange. The orange colouring ranges from very pale to a deep red depending on the residual of the genotype of the rabbit. Not only does it modify the coat, but it changes the eye colour! It removes most of the pigment from the centre creating pink eyes in all Lutino varieties. Unlike the albino gene which removes all centre paint making a red eye, this cistron only partially does leaving it pinkish. P stands for a rabbit who is not Lutino, p stands for a rabbit who does have the cistron. It is recessive so the rabbit must have ii copies for it to express. No Lutino colours are currently recognized by ARBA. Yet there are a small handfull of breeders who are working on the cistron and are hoping to get it recognized in a multifariousness of breeds in the future. I was lucky enough to find a few pics of dissimilar colours with the Lutino gene, cheers to the breeders for supplying them!

All Gene Combinations:PP (no lutino), Pp (lutino carrier), pp (lutino)

Genetic Defects

Nosotros are almost done! You accept now read about every known color factor in rabbits. The following is info on various colour defects that you lot may come across in breeding rabbits. They are either acquired past unknown genes or are mistakes made during evolution. In one case this section has been done there will be some practice questions to exam your new knowledge!

Snowballing is pretty uncommon however I have had it happen a few times over the years. Snowballing causes a rabbit's entire glaze to be pure white except the very tips! The kit pictured should exist a normal solid blue, merely with the snowballing the majority of his glaze is white. The gene that causes this is unknown, however it seems to exist about common in dilute colours. Though it can happen in whatever colour. Snowballing nigh always molts out when the baby molts out their baby fur. Leaving a normal looking rabbit afterwards. This kit molted out into a normal solid blue. No one knows why or how information technology happens, withal something interesting I take noticed is information technology seems to exist related to stray white hairs in some way.

Frosting is basically the opposite of snowballing. Snowballing causes everything only the tips to be white, frosting causes the tips to be white and the residual of the coat to exist normal. It seems to exist the nigh common on the ear and nose expanse, also every bit the back half of the rabbit. Information technology appears more often than not in dilute, chocolate, and non-extension based colours. However information technology tin can happen in any color like the Black Dutch kit shown in the flick who has extreme frosting! Like snowballing the gene that causes frosting is unknown. Information technology normally molts out with the baby glaze notwithstanding some rabbits keep the frosting for life. Some kits even get both frosting and snowballing at the same time.

Chimera is very rarely seen. This is when an animate being is the combination of 2 embryos that joined together early in evolution. Therefore the animal will have 2 sets of Dna. If both embroys had the genes for dissimilar colours, the animal will have ii colours which often show upwardly every bit random patches of different colours around 50/50. Chimera cannot pass on since it is an "accident". Yet the animal volition have 2 different sets of genes either of which can be passed on.

Mosaicism comes in several different forms, nevertheless when talking virtually pigment the cause will normally be a somatic mutation. Somatic mutations are different from being bubble, many people call back they are the same. The actual information backside how a somatic mutation happens and what causes it is very complicated, so for this one I won't make your heads spin. Basically it is a mutation, alteration, or an error of a jail cell in a specific area which tin can cause a factor for that area to plough off or on. Information technology is impossible for this to exist genetically passed on. This is by no means a complete ready of data on somatic mutations simply it gives you an idea of what it is. More often than not with a somatic mutation color wise information technology will appear as a random spot/patch (single or multiple) of color. Instead of with chimera which is usually more uniform and 50/50 distribution. For color it will commonly but be the divergence in a mutated surface area of a gene losing its role. For instance lets say yous have a Bluish Tort rabbit which would be dd, so with a somatic mutation it could make the dd revert dorsum to D for the mutated area making a Black Tort spot. This is not always the example but nigh of the fourth dimension it is. Somatic mutations are more than common so bubble.

Beneath are pics of rabbits who all likely have somatic mutations.

Practise Questions

Below are now some questions for you lot to effigy out and test your new knowledge! You can hover over the buttons for the answer to each question. If you have any questions well-nigh this article permit us know! An actual list of each color and its genotype is not provided here, however perhaps that is something that could exist made in the futurity!

  • Which of these rabbits has the base of operations genotype of A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ enen?
  • Which of these rabbits has the base genotype of aa bb  C_ D_ E_ enen?
  • What is the base genotype of a Bluish?

  • What colours can yous become if the post-obit 2 rabbits are paired together with their known genotypes?

a) Chestnut, Broken Chestnut

b) Anecdote, Black Tort, Blue Tort, Chocolate, Cleaved Blue Tort, Charlie Blueish Tort

c) Chinchilla, Black Tort, Cleaved Chinchilla, Broken Blackness Tort

d) Blackness Tort, Chocolate Tort, Chinchilla, Chocolate Agouti, Chestnut, Chocolate Chinchilla, Black, Chocolate

  • What colours can you get if the following 2 rabbits are paired together with their known genotypes?

a) Spotted Lilac, Spotted Chocolate

b) Solid Lilac, Solid Chocolate, Solid Blue, Spotted Lilac, Spotted Chocolate, Spotted Blue, Charlie Lilac, Charlie Chocolate, Charlie Blue

c) Solid Lilac, Solid Chocolate, Spotted Black, Spotted Lilac, Charlie Chocolate

d) Solid Lilac, Solid Chocolate, Spotted Lilac, Spotted Chocolate, Charlie Lilac, Charlie Chocolate

  • What colours can you go if the following 2 rabbits are paired together with their known genotypes?

a) Black Tort, Broken Blackness Tort, Black, Broken Black, Charlie Black Tort, Charlie Black

b) Blackness Tort, Broken Black Tort, Black, Broken Black, Blue Tort, Broken Blue Tort, Bluish, Broken Blueish, Chocolate Tort, Broken Chocolate Tort, Chocolate, Broken Chocolate, Lilac Tort, Broken Lilac Tort, Lilac, Cleaved Lilac

c) Blue Tort, Broken Bluish Tort, Blue, Cleaved Blue, Lilac, Broken Lilac, Lilac Tort, Broken Lilac Tort

d) Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Cream, Orange, Blood-red Eyed White

Did you lot get all the questions correct? Comment below!

As well as using my ain pictures a special cheers to all the breeders who supplied the extra pictures needed for this article.

Oddball Rabbitry
Rabbitry R Deer
Wild Meadows Rabbitry
Samantha's Hidaway Hutch
Maddi'southward Mini Rabbitry
Razzle Dazzle Rabbitry
Salary and Eggs Rabbitry
Nova Stonemason
RabbitMafiaQ Rabbitry
Baby Blue Bunnies
Molly Paul
Kyleah Immenschuh
Kaylee Stoneburner
What The Fur Rabbitry
Shannon Brandon
Katie Rice
Milton Rabbitry
Jennifer Kroll
Buffy Prater
Zala Cooper
Cypress Farms
CL & Delattre Rabbitrys
Berlena Reynolds
Leah Morales
Rachel Davis
Sydney Steadman
Dee Tones
Wood N Moon Rabbitry


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